Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Fresh Start

So week one of the diet "take 2" was successful. 2lbs down! Now, to keep it up without losing momentum. The Biggest Loser was inspirational last night. It was so great to see how amazing everyone looked, I love makeover week!! Michael and Daris' hair, Sunshine's whole look, so much improved.

Today I taught a great lesson, went for a 3 mile jog and then made dinner. Grilled honey-ginger salmon, carrots and a whole wheat roll. Yummy and healthy! And...a new recipe to add to the list.

The budgeting is going well...I have enough money saved up for my 2 summer classes already. It'll hurt when that bill comes in and I have to watch the numbers go down.

Tonight, catching up on DVRS (This week's Glee is great!) with my feet up. I'm avoiding housework but I'll get around to it tomorrow I'm sure. If not, there's always the weekend. Dusting and laundry just have no pull when it's so gorgeous out.

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