Thursday, February 11, 2010

At the end of the rainbow....

This past week I've done a great job at my new cake decorating class...and finally, money management! Thanks to some good talks with my BF (the king of money management) I feel like I'm on my way. I'm a little obsessed now with Quicken Online and trying to get my spending under control. My only freak-out so far was when I looked at the analysis and was told I spent over $1300 on groceries in January!! I was shocked and VERY worried until I realized that my rent check had been itemized as groceries. OOPS!! This week I set up a separate savings account for graduate school, planned out how much I have to spend on groceries and going out and still have some left over for shoes. It's a good I just need to keep it up!

Monday night is now Cake Decorating night with Heather. This week we learned about stars, writing on cakes and some squiggles. My Rainbow Cake came out pretty well, I tried to make it music themed since I was taking it to work with me to share. There is only so much cake a girl can eat! This may be totally unrelated to my resolutions but it's something I'm really enjoying.

Vacation starts tomorrow, I'm so ready! I'm planning to get back on track with running and work-outs and relax the rest of the time. I'll have some homework to do for my class but that's manageable. Maybe I'll finally tackle the guitar that's hanging on my wall....

Friday, February 5, 2010

Slacked off...

So this week I've had a cold and totally slacked off. I haven't been eating as well and haven't made it to the gym or running. weight loss. Sunday starts a new week, we'll hope and work for the best!

However, I have managed to get a good jump on the book reading. I've read a few books this month, though not all qualified as literature. Elizabeth I was a great historical fiction biography (duh) and I loved that. I have a small obsession with the Tudors. I just started The Winter Prince, which is about the last monarchs in England before William and Mary, I think. Olive Kitteridge and the House of The Seven Sisters are the other books I've read. I didn't care too much for Olive and the 7 Sisters was good but a little strange.

I haven't started on the guitar playing. There's one hanging on my wall...waiting for me...

I have started a cake decorating class with my friend Heather. This weekend, a new icing recipe! SO NOT HEALTHY, but that's ok. It'll be fun. Chocolate cake, raspberry filling and white icing. Not too bad, right? Let's hope...I'll post a pic after class Monday night no matter how bad!

Off to grocery shop for this weekends parties. UFC Saturday night and Superbowl on Sunday. Thank goodness we have a conference day on Monday, I'll be in no shape for the kiddies!